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Getting Rid Of Mice In Your Long Island Home The Right Way

a mouse chewing on a wire in a home

You’re not sure how they got in, all you know is you are now sharing your home with mice. It doesn’t matter what kind of home you have; mice will move in anywhere, as long as they can be warm and have full bellies. For the sake of your health and well-being, you’re going to have to be a tough landlord and get them to leave. Parkway Pest Services offers quality pest control in Long Island and can help. 

How To Identify A Mouse Infestation In Your Home

You may experience mice in summer or mice in winter in Long Island. In any season, mice are extremely rude house guests. They drop feces anywhere they like, eat your food, make their nests using material they find around the house, compromise your home’s structure, and spread disease.

  • Outside of seeing them, signs that you have a mouse infestation in Long Island include:
  • Finding mouse droppings and urine
  • Holes in food boxes and bags
  • Hearing them scurry in the walls at night
  • Finding gnaw and scratch marks on walls, wires, and insulation
  • Mouse tracks on the floors
  • Musty “mouse” smell

Mice are sneaky and very intelligent. They also reproduce quickly, and you must act quickly to implement the best type of mouse control method. The experts at Parkway Pest Services will help you determine the best way to get rid of these rodents and prevent them from returning.

The Dangerous Diseases Mice Are Known To Spread

Some people think mice are cute, while some consider them ugly rodents. Either way, mice do carry dangerous diseases that can spread to humans and pets. This is the number one reason to keep mice out of your Long Island home and away from your family. Mice can spread over 35 diseases, such as: 

  • Tularemia
  • Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
  • Plague
  • Hantavirus
  • Ringworm
  • Tapeworm
  • Salmonellosis
  • Streptobacillus moniliformis infection
  • Pneumocystis carinii infection

Mice can also carry fleas and mites that can hop off, bite you, and reproduce in your home. It’s amazing that one little mouse can usher a multitude of problems into your living space!

Why DIY Mouse Control Is A Waste Of Time And Money

Mouse traps can cost between $2 to $20, but if you don’t know how many mice are in your house, how do you know how many traps to purchase or where to place them? Are you brave enough to bait them yourself? Most importantly, can you empty the traps without touching the mice? Where do you put a dead mouse? If you opt to use poison to kill mice, what kind will work the best? Can a pet or child find the poison (or the traps)? Then there’s the problem of if the mice eat the poison, will they die somewhere you can’t reach them? The smell of decay is not appealing, and a dead mouse carcass is a health hazard.

You may try to seal holes from mice, but chances are you won’t be able to find every hole and entry point, since they can fit through a hole the size of a quarter. Holes can be in your basement, ground floor, porches, and attic. It may feel like a hopeless case, and that’s why you need to hire a professional exterminator.

Contact The Pros At The First Sign Of Mice In Your Home

It’s OK to admit you need help. For the sake of your and your family’s health, contact the pros at Parkway Pest Services when you see the first sign of a mouse in the house. We’ll respond quickly. Our experienced and certified exterminators have been taking care of customers just like you for many years and know how to get to the root of your mouse problem. We’ll help you get mouse-free once again, and that’s our promise. Reach out today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Long Island.
