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Most Common Overwintering Pests In Westchester County

lady bug crawling

By now many are enjoying the frosty mornings where the trees sparkle and the grass is covered in a silvery glaze as the sun peaks over the horizon. As much as we have loved the summer months, that heat and humidity have worn on us, and we look forward to taking in a deep breath of air that is not saturated with water. We look forward to going outside without being drenched in sticky sweat and feeling completely run-down and exhausted by the heat. We have completely forgotten how much we looked forward to summer’s heat in the midst of last winter’s freeze. We surely are a fickle group when it comes to the weather!

It’s interesting, though, how much we love the seasons and the changes they bring when we stop and think about it! But, not all seasonal changes are good. With each passing month come new challenges and new threats to consider. Just look at the world of pests. Each season, and sometimes each month, you have a new pest to consider. So, which pests should you be concerned about here in Westchester County as fall fades away and the blustery winter winds prepare to blow?

Overwintering pests can cause a lot of damage to your home and your personal belongings, and some can even spread illness to you and your family. Even the pests that are considered to be merely a nuisance cause stress and can lead to many a sleepless night. Knowing which pests are most aggressively trying to spend the winter inside your home is an important first step in keeping them from their objective.


Topping the list is mice (and other rodents). Mice are infamous for finding the tiniest little crack in your foundation and slipping through into the dark recesses of your home with dozens of their closest friends. Once inside, they set straight to work reproducing and growing their family, all while chewing on your insulation, wooden structure, pipes, wires, and more. They will destroy stored clothing and other soft materials by tearing them apart to create nice, comfy nests for their young; and they will contaminate the food in your cupboards and on your table with bacteria, viruses, and other harmful pathogens. Mice will spread their contaminated urine and feces throughout your home; and when this material dries, the germs within can become airborne and can make your family very sick when they breathe it in.


Earwigs are another common pest that will think nothing of tucking inside your home for the winter. These nocturnal creatures are red to brownish-red insects. Fully grown, they can reach as much as 2 inches in length and are equipped with six legs, long antenna on their heads, and pincers on their behind. While earwigs are not known to carry and transmit disease, they have been known occasionally to bite if handled or trapped against the skin, and they can damage plants, fabrics, and carpets when they invade your home. They can also stain furniture and walls, and they act as a food source for other, more dangerous pests.

Lady Bugs

Lady bugs are those not-so-adorable little red or orange beetle-like bugs that gather in large numbers in the corners of your home, especially near the ceiling. The biggest problem with lady bugs, beyond the discomfort of them flying around in your home, is that some species of lady bugs emit a foul odor when threatened, along with a substance that can easily stain walls, curtains, furniture, and other items in your home. Lady bugs can also be toxic to some animals and have been known to occasionally cause allergic reactions. Lady bugs invade in large numbers and can become a real problem inside your home as they search for a place to lay low for the winter, not only that, but they will remain active throughout the winter, especially on warmer days.


Silverfish are another pest that would prefer the warm, temperature-controlled space inside your walls to the cold, wet, blustery weather outside. These silvery, slithery insects that move in a fish-like manner can cause quite a chill when you accidentally disturb them as you rummage under the sink or in the back of your cupboard or pantry.

While silverfish are not harmful to you or your pets, they can cause some issues inside your home. Silverfish will contaminate your food supplies, and they can damage clothing, books, curtains, linens, wallpaper, and other materials inside your home. They eat mold, yarn, starch, and silk. They even enjoy the glue on book bindings and the glue that is holding your wallpaper to your wall. Silverfish also require areas of high humidity to survive, which means that if you have silverfish in your home, you may also have a moisture issue or even some hidden mold.

Year-Round Pest Control Services For Westchester County

The best way to avoid overwintering with these pests and others like them here in Westchester County is by implementing a year-round pest control plan from Parkway Pest Services. Our Parkway PestGuard and Parkway PestGuard+ home pest control plans are the affordable, reliable way to keep pests from choosing your home this winter, and with the year-round protection they provide, you won’t have to worry about pests in the spring, summer, or fall either. To learn more about how Parkway Pest Services can help you keep overwintering pests from ruining your winter, contact us today. 
