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Bed Bug Control 101: What Nassau County Homeowners Need To Know

a bed bug biting human skin

Instances of bed bug infestations in New York state have been on the decline since WW2, but in recent years, mostly due to the increased mobility we all enjoy, there has been a definite uptick in cases. Every year hundreds of homeowners in Nassau county struggle to clear these disgusting little invaders out of their homes.

Bed bugs are small, usually only about 1/4 of an inch in size, straw-colored but changing to reddish brown as they feed. They are nocturnal and expert at hiding in the places we'd last suspect.

Their young nymphs are much smaller and translucent, making them very hard to see, and the eggs they lay are literally the size of a tip of a pin and often hidden in the crevasses of the bed frame.

Bed bugs feed on human blood, and while they don't carry infectious diseases, bed bug bites often get infected and allergic reactions are common.

The first step in choosing the right bed bug control techniques for your home is to be able to identify the infestation in the early stages. Let's take a look at signs of bed bugs in your home, how to get rid of bed bugs and where to find reliable pest control in Nassau county.

Bed Bug Bites Are Usually The First Sign Of A Problem

Bed bugs in Nassau County are experts at staying out of sight, and usually, the first sign of an infestation a homeowner notices is a pattern of lines or clusters of bed bug bites on their bodies. When biting, bed bugs inject an anesthetic and anti-coagulant, similar to mosquitoes, to avoid alerting their victim.

Bed bug bites often go unnoticed for weeks, so it pays to watch for additional signs of bed bug presence:

  • Blood spots on the bedding.
  • Brown spots that are the result of bed bug fecal meter.
  • Molted skins and bed bug eggs.
  • Musty smell.

Unfortunately, it's very hard to spot the infestation before the bed bug colony is in full swing, but once you do get started on effective bed bug control services in Nassau County right away!

Bed Bugs Won't Just Go Away On Their Own

Once bed bugs hitchhike their way into your home, they immediately set to finding a place to lay eggs and establish a reliable food source. They usually end up hiding in the crevasses of your bedframe or objects around it.

Bed bugs can wait over a year and a half for their next meal, and a single egg can start a new infestation. With food at hand and a comfortable place to lay eggs and propagate, bed bugs have no reason to move on and will do their best to increase their numbers until you're dealing with a truly nightmarish infestation in your house.

How Bed Bugs Hitch Rides Into Our Homes

Bed bugs can't fly or even run very fast, but over the millennia, they've become experts at hitchhiking to a new location on a multitude of objects.

A suitcase set down in public transport, an infested hotel bed or a restaurant chair, a piece of used furniture, or even a library book- each of them can be a start of a bed bug infestation in your home.

The Best Way To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs And Keep Them Out

Once bed bugs settle into your home, they're a nightmare to dislodge. You literally have to get every adult, nymph, and egg out of your house to avoid dealing with another bout of an infestation later on. 

An experienced Parkway Pest Services technician will know exactly where to look and will be able to choose the right bed bug technique to clear bed bugs and their eggs out of your Nassau County home. We'll also be able to advise you on preventative measures you can take to avoid dealing with another infestation. 

If bed bugs are robbing you of sleep, give us a call at Parkway Pest services today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Nassau County.
