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Nassau County’s Complete Guide To Effective Mosquito Control

mosquito biting close up

Located immediately east of New York City, Nassau County and Suffolk County are referred to as Long Island and distinguished as extremely wealthy cities. However, it does not matter if you are rich or poor, the pesky mosquito is no respecter of people. If you are human and available, the mosquito is happy to make a meal out of you.

What Are Mosquitoes And Are They Dangerous?

Mosquitoes have slender bodies with long, thin legs and wings. They appear to be quite fragile, but they sure can give you a painful, itchy bite! Not only can they drive you crazy, but they can also be potentially dangerous. The female mosquito has tube-like mouthparts that pierce the skin; she is looking for the protein and iron in the blood to allow her to produce eggs. Not all insects that bite spread germs; these are called nuisance pests. Mosquitoes are called vectors. Vectors can be animals, insects, or ticks that spread germs to people and other animals. The germs they spread can be viruses or parasites that can make you sick.

Some of the diseases mosquitoes transmit include:

  • Zika virus
  • West Nile virus
  • Chikungunya
  • Encephalitis
  • Dengue fever
  • Yellow fever
  • Malaria

While not all bites lead to disease, they are all a nuisance and carry the risk of more serious problems.

Tips For Handling Nassau County Mosquitoes

Ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes tend to be warm and moist, making them a higher risk for mosquito problems. Areas more prone to mosquitoes include places with standing water such as marshes, ponds, and lakes.

Individual properties can also have conditions that attract mosquitoes to take up residence and breed. Any area that provides standing and stagnant water, even as little as half an inch deep, can be ideal for mosquitoes to breed.

Things you can do to reduce mosquitoes on your property are as follows:

  • Clear out clogged gutters that prevent drainage.
  • Address drainage issues in the lawn.
  • Level out any low-lying areas that accumulate standing water.
  • Keep yards neat and trimmed; remove any leaf debris.
  • Keep an eye on flowerpots where water can pool.
  • Keep sources of standing water such as pools, water displays, birdbaths well-circulated.
  • Keep yard debris like empty tires, overturned lids, and kiddie pools that can accumulate water to a minimum.

While prevention measures help limit the number of mosquitoes on your property, keep in mind they will not eliminate existing populations.

Preventing Mosquito Bites While Outside

Everyone who enjoys time outdoors is in danger of being bitten by mosquitoes. There are some tips that people can employ to reduce the chances of a mosquito bite. Certain times and circumstances seem to make people more tempting to a mosquito looking for its next meal.

Consider these factors when venturing outside:

  • Wearing a mosquito repellent is advisable in mosquito-prone areas like lakes, ponds, marshes, and swamps.
  • Many mosquitoes seem to be especially active at dawn and dusk. Avoiding activities during these times would be wise.
  • Since mosquitoes are drawn to excess carbon dioxide, pregnant women and people exercising should be cautious when engaging in outdoor activities.
  • Wearing light, long sleeve clothing that is tightly woven, especially in prime feeding times, is prudent.

The Best Way To Protect Your Nassau County Home From Mosquitoes

Parkway Pest Services has been battling pest issues for over 80 years. We have the knowledge and experience needed to help you with your mosquito problem. Our technicians are trained in the latest pest control techniques and are certified to work in your area. Call us today and let our skilled technicians advise you about proper pest treatments to alleviate your pest concerns.
