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Bed Bugs: The Good And The Bad

bed bug crawling around new york home

Just the mention of bed bugs can make your skin crawl. These tiny little reddish-brown bugs are most known for crawling through your bed at night while you sleep and feeding on your blood, leaving you to wake with bed bug bites. The old saying, “don’t let the bed bugs bite” is now more true than ever. Bed bugs have made a comeback and continue to infest homes, hotels, and now many other businesses throughout the country.

Bed bugs are often referred to as a hitchhiker bug because they are so good at traveling. They will attach themselves to your clothing, luggage, or bags and find their way home with you. Once they have made it to your home, they are very good at hiding. Most people do not even know they have brought bed bugs home with them until they have a full infestation.

The Good News About Bed Bugs

The good news is that these little bugs are no more than a nuisance in your home. They are not dangerous to humans. They do not carry or transfer any diseases. Bed bugs do bite, but they generally only leave small (but sometimes itchy) red bumps on our skin. Once a bed bug has had a blood meal, it will hide out for 5-10 days, mate, and lay eggs. This is how a bed bug infestation starts.

If you have found your home or business to have a bed bug infestation, there are many ways to treat it. But be warned, do-it-yourself bed bug treatments are not going to fix the entire infestation. In fact, DIY bed bug control is not recommended at any time. These little bugs are good at traveling, hiding, and do not need a meal for months at a time. The best way to fully eradicate a bed bug infestation is to call in a professional exterminator.

The Bad News About Bed Bugs

The bad news is that bed bugs can easily show up in your home or business no matter how clean you are. There are a few common signs to look for if you think you might have a bed bug infestation, including:

  • Molted bed bug skins around your home
  • Small reddish-brown stains on sheets
  • Red itchy bite makes on any skin that is exposed while sleeping
  • A sweet odor in a heavily infested area

Contact A Professional Bed Bug Exterminator

Even if you don't see these signs of bed bugs, if you suspect that you may have bed bugs, it's always a good idea to call a professional exterminator before the infestation gets worse. Our bed bug exterminators have all of the right treatments and years of experience to help you identify bed bugs and eliminate a bed bug problem.

Don’t let the bed bugs bite at night. Give Parkway Pest Services a call today to get started with bed bug treatments. It's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to bed bugs!
