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Long Island Exterminators Take On Occasional Invaders


No, we’re not talking about the tourists or visitors that come to the beaches and the city each summer. When our exterminators at Parkway Pest Services talk about occasional invaders, they are talking about the pests that visit our homes periodically throughout the year. Most occasional invaders are simply a nuisance although some prove to be quite difficult to get rid of which is why our Long Island and NY pest control pros recommend prevention in order to avoid these occasional pests altogether.

The Occasional Invaders Found In Long Island

In New York and Connecticut, there are many occasional invaders that pester homeowners. Click on the following pests to learn more about what they look like and why they are likely to be in your home.

Helpful Pest Control Tips For Occasional Invaders

Since most occasional invaders are not going to cause harm to you, your family, or your home, there is no need to panic if you do find them. But since some like box elder bugs or lady bugs, for example, tend to infest in rather larger numbers, it is best to try to prevent them from invading your home altogether. How is this possible? Here are a few pest prevention tips from our Long Island exterminators on how to prevent occasional invaders from being a nuisance in your New York home.

Inspect the exterior of the home. Are there any cracks, holes, or other openings along the foundation? How about the window or door frames? If so, make sure to seal off these openings with caulking or a screen in order to keep the critters outside. Next, check for areas that are excessively damp, perhaps the bathroom or basement. Go ahead and repair any leaky pipes or even install a de-humidifier to help reduce excess moisture as well as the pests that thrive in moist environments.

Pest Control For Occasional Invaders In Long Island

Many times it is the change in seasons that bring about an influx of occasional invaders looking to escape the cold and move inside or looking to get back outside when the warm summer sun returns. Either way, if you are finding your home infested with flies, crickets, or any other pests, please give us a call at Parkway Pest Services. Our home pest control services in Westchester County, Long Island, and throughout New York and parts of Connecticut including Fairfield County are ideal to prevent a variety of common pests including the ones we listed above. Contact Parkway for more info!